Dear SFHS Falcon Families,
As the year winds down, it is very important that SFHS students and parents are thinking about the future. Families, make sure that you are aware of your student's course selections for the next school year. You should know what classes they are registered for and feel comfortable with the level of rigor in the courses selected. This is especially important for current Juniors who will be going into their Senior year. Colleges have found that students who take a more rigorous course load during their Senior year of High School get better grades as college Freshmen. If you as the parent / guardian are unsure of the classes your child has chosen, feel free to contact the Counseling Office at SFHS for that information.
Please also help us ensure classroom success for the remainder of the school year by assisting your student with their day-to-day academic work. As always, we thank you for your support and encouragement!
Go Falcons!
Kevin Krutzik, SFHS Principal
Brian Berlin, SFHS Associate Principal / Athletic Director